Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha MP says a new multimillion dollar pasteurising plant will soon be established in Region Five by a private investor, creating employment opportunities for residents.
During a meeting with farmers on Saturday, the Minister said the Government is seeking out a portion of land for the project.
“The investor has already brought in all his equipment into the country, the General Manager and the board of MMA-ADA are now looking to see a proper piece of land so that the investor can set up his milk plant.”

Work on the project should begin over the next two months Minister Mustapha added. He said agriculture is once again being prioritised in Guyana’s development.
“Last year people were talking about waiting until the oil sector comes on stream; all the revenue from the oil and gas we will have to develop our country. Now people are not only talking about the oil and gas sector. As a Government, we also want to develop all the sectors of our country. We want a resilient country, not one that depends on only one sector.”

The Minister reiterated that agriculture, mining, construction, oil and gas must all contribute to Guyana’s development. He said when a country depends on one sector and that sector fails, it can have devastating effects on the economy.
Minister Mustapha stressed that agriculture creates jobs, wealth and food security, and he noted that Guyana is leading the agriculture agenda across the Caribbean.“In the last two years we have seen our country surrender its position to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, they were talking about agriculture. Comrades, I am very proud today, that our very young vibrant President is now the leading spokesperson on agriculture in CARICOM,” he stated.