Taxi drivers on Thursday said they were pleased by the government’s recent decision to lower the excise tax rate on gasoline and diesel throughout the country. The cost for gasoline has been reduced from $213 per litre to $198 per litre, and diesel from $200 per litre to $185 per litre. Senior Minister in the […]
Office Hours
Mon-Thu: 09:00-16:30 hours
Fri: 09:00-15:30 hours
Operating hours may be affected during holidays.
Consular Services
Mon -Thu: 09:30-15:30 hours and Fri: 09:30-14:30 hours
Operating hours may be affected during holidays.
Tel: 012-941-1694
Fax: 27 (0) 12 342 2736
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235 Grosvenor Street
Suite H, Third Floor
Hatfield, Pretoria
Postal Address
PO BOX 12238
Hatfield 0028
South Africa