Region 10 residents welcome part-time jobs

─ Vice President officially launches initiative

Government’s launch of 1,000 part-time jobs in Region 10 is being welcomed by residents, many of whom said it will help to make ends meet. The initiative was officially launched by Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo on Saturday after making a commitment back in March.

Francine Hubert

Francine Hubert, a housewife and mother of three children is one of the persons benefitting from the initiative. Hubert said now that she will be employed, she would be able to assist her partner, who is currently the sole breadwinner of the family.

“My partner, he works and sometimes it doesn’t be easy for him because he works with BOSAI as a contractor and sometimes when the rain falls, he don’t get to work so this will be a great help,” the woman explained.

Darvil Dequoy

Darvil Dequoy said he has been struggling to find a job in Kwakwani, but now being employed as a part-time worker, he will be earning up to $40,000 per month.

“In my community where I live there are lots of people without jobs and this here is good for people. I live in Kwakwani around 20 years now, I apply for jobs all over the place and I am not getting nothing. Application at forestry, everywhere in Kwakwani I sent application and I am not getting through with nothing, so I just come to take opportunity to see how far I can get in this thing,” Dequoy explained.

Shivana Seegobin

The initiative is also providing first time employment for many, like Shivana Seegoobin, who expressed her excitement for the opportunity, as she would now be able to contribute financially in her household.

Beneficiaries of the government’s part-time jobs at Watooka Guest House, Linden

“I am so happy about it and I never really worked, this is my first time so I am very thankful for it,” the young lady stated.

Tamika Williams

Another beneficiary, Tamika Williams also welcomed the move by government, but has a different outlook on the initiative. Williams said persons can use the job opportunity to put themselves in better positions.

“From there, they can motivate themselves in doing other stuff, they can further their studies in doing whatever job they get. So, it would be good to majority of people because they have a lot of mothers that be at home all the time not doing anything,” Williams said.

Beneficiaries of the government’s part-time jobs at Watooka Guest House, Linden

The 1,000 persons who signed their contracts on Saturday will begin working from June 1 to May, 2023. Work is being offered in specific areas within government ministries including health, agriculture, education and local government. The job opportunities allow for the employees to work for 10 days and earn up to $40,000.

The Vice President recently launched the programme in Region Two, where thousand will also benefit from the much-needed jobs.

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