─ ministerial team visits community
Residents of Sophia will see major infrastructural and road upgrades within their community in the shortest possible time.
This assurance was given on Monday when a team of government ministers including Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond, Minister Within the Office of the Prime Minister, Kwame McCoy, and Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar conducted an outreach in ‘B’ Field Sophia.

Minister Indar related what will be done immediately to benefit the community.
“We have assessed the roads and the bridge across the “Blacka” and what we have noticed is except for a few roads, most of the roads need immediate attention. There is also a massive piece on the main access road that is a consistent failure – that needs immediate fixing.”
Minister Indar pointed out that one of the streets will receive immediate attention.
“Samaroo Street where we visited, we found that there is a day-care centre there, and the mothers have to carry their children in their arms, while they traverse through the mud, so that road needs immediate intervention.”

Meanwhile, the ministers made stops at various cross streets and interacted with residents, some of whom were mothers picking up their children from day-care.
Principal of Chosen Generation Daycare, Andrea Wilson told DPI she was elated by the news.
“This could not have come at a better time so that parents can have easy access when dropping off and picking up their children, rather than having to walk through the mud,” she said.
The ministers visited Simeon Jacobs, McIntosh, and Thomas streets, among others, which will all see upgrades.

Minister Indar told residents that fixing the ‘Blacka’ bridge is a priority as “it is our government’s philosophy that every community will be uplifted”
Monday’s visit was a follow-up to a meeting Saturday by Ministers Mccoy and Walrond.