Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton Tuesday announced that a document will be produced at the end of the 12th International Labour Organisation (ILO) Caribbean Labour Ministers’ Meeting, to develop a framework to strengthen key areas in the sector.
Minister Hamilton made the statement during a media conference, following the opening of the three-day session, at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston.

“Our document that we will present to the public…will be taking care of their needs…The outcome document will speak to how, together, we can do these things. We have to go beyond policymakers and we have to have interlink of our technical people to share ideas and develop systems for the future,” he stated.
The labour minister believes that the discussions and outcome of the discussions will be a Caribbean labour ministers-driven agenda to tackle various issues.
“Three important issues I know we have on the agenda include the issue of migration, [and] the issue of women empowerment in our training scheme going forward for technical and vocational. I believe the only way we can be successful is us doing it together,” Minister Hamilton reiterated.
Meanwhile, Barbados’ Minister of Labour, Social Security and the Third Sector, Colin Jordon stated that the document will advance what has already been happening within the region.

“Guyana is already assisting Barbados in the area of our labour market information system. We have not waited for any special event to work in that collaborative way. We reached out to Minister Hamilton and the president responded to us. Those kinds of initiatives we have to deepen and the outcome document in the areas that it focuses on will work to give impetus to helping us to develop in the areas that we have weaknesses or deficiencies,” Jordan stated.
The Barbadian minister said the ILO meeting provides a platform for Caribbean countries to develop the agenda to enhance the livelihoods of workers.
He further committed to working collaboratively with the relevant stakeholders within the region to ensure the agenda for workers and national and regional development is advanced.
The ministers commended ILO as it continues to host the subregional meeting, bringing labour ministers and other Caribbean country leaders together to discuss matters affecting everyone.
The meeting is being observed under the theme: ‘Social Justice-the foundation for sustainable Caribbean transformation.’