Twelve local tour guides and operators are now equipped with new knowledge, having recently completed a three-day Wilderness First Responder Training exercise.
The training was facilitated through a collaboration with the Guyana Tourism Authority, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and the Brazilian Army.

Manager of Training and Licensing at the Guyana Tourism Authority, Tamika Inglis, noted that the exercise targeted persons who are already involved in the industry.

“Because most of our tourism product is in the Rupununi area, we thought it was necessary for our tour guides, though some of them do come from Georgetown and do provide city tours … we thought it was necessary to have them do this training, which is necessary because when they go into the fields and they have persons, there is always going to be an incident and we want them to be prepared,” she noted

Lieutenant Emmanuel Trotman and Asford George were the facilitators of the three-day initiative.
The training seminar focused on, “foundational elements, including rope and knot tying, pacing techniques, and compass navigation in both diurnal and nocturnal conditions,” the GTA stated on its Facebook page.

In addition, participants also “gained proficiency in crafting improvised shelters using natural elements such as branches and barks found within the jungle,” the GTA said.
According to the GTA, Participants also engaged in using “improvised floating techniques which enable them to hone their abilities in constructing floating rafts, river crossing with rope assistance, sourcing water, creating fire and identifying diverse jungle edibles, encompassing both meats and fruits.”
The participants also had the opportunity to apply the acquired skills, by navigating obstacles and executed survival techniques during an overnight stay in the jungle.
So far, a total of 30 persons have benefitted from the Wilderness First Responder Training.