More than 440 families will benefit from house allocation in several areas including Anna Catherina, Edinburg, Leonora, Groenveldt, Stewartsville, and Meten-Meer-Zorg in Region Three, with an investment of $2.7 billion.
Following several site visits to the areas on Thursday, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal underscored that persons have already been allocated and are awaiting access to their houses.

These locations are heavily subsidized, as massive infrastructural works are ongoing to complete the drainage and road networks.
With an investment of over $340 million, about 63 two-bedroom low-income houses are under construction in Anna Catherina and are about 85 per cent completed. The two-bedroom houses cost around $5.3 million each.
Meanwhile, the 25 two-bedroom low-income houses that are under construction in Edinburg will be completed within one month. Almost $140 million is being invested there.
In Meten-Meer-Zorg, about 25 houses are under construction.
A total of 172 houses have been awarded for construction in the Leonora housing area, while construction advances at Groenveldt.
A noteworthy spin-off benefit from these interventions includes an increase in employment opportunities, transportation, and other services for locals.

Minister Croal disclosed that a private company, Modular Buildings, will be constructing two-bedroom modular steel frame houses in the region. These houses cost the same as the government’s low-income homes.
Similarly, two private developers have been contracted to build about 25 three-bedroom prefabricated houses each.
Additionally, the housing and water minister held a meeting with the contractors, who are responsible for infrastructural works in the various lots in Stewartsville, where they were reminded of their contractual obligations towards the completion of the project.
During the ministry’s ‘dream realised’ housing drive on Friday last, 1,500 persons were provided with their house lots at Wales Phase Two Housing Development.
Moreover, in one and a half years, 107 two and three-bedroom houses have been completed on the West Coast.

Last year, infrastructural works on the West Coast totalled $16.6 billion in Leonora, Stewartsville, and Meten-Meer-Zorg were completed.
This is consistent with the manifesto promise made by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to increase Guyanese living standards across the board by providing affordable and environmentally friendly houses.
A total of 1,509 houses have been completed to date nationwide.