Consultations ongoing for construction of solar farms in Essequibo

Efforts to accelerate the construction of solar farms in Charity and Onderneeming, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), have begun with a series of consultations and site assessments.

Recently, Regional Chairman, Vilma De Silva, along with representatives from Guyana Utility Scale-Solar Photovoltaic (GUYSOL), conducted a visit to the proposed site in Charity.

Region’s Two Chairwoman, Vilma De Silva, and GUYSOL representatives consulting about the initial works for the solar farms

De Silva told the Department of Public Information (DPI) on Monday that the visit aimed to evaluate the area’s accessibility for future construction activities.

As part of this process, consultations for the construction of a sturdy bridge within the vicinity have commenced, with the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission (GLSC) identifying a suitable location for the bridge over an existing canal.

“Because you know when they are in the process of building the solar farms there would be a lot of heavy-duty equipment that will be traversing the area. So, were on site to identify an area for a bridge,” the regional chair explained.

In the meantime, De Silva has requested GUYSOL to engage with the Ministry of Housing and Water and the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) for further guidance on the bridge construction.

Region Two and GUYSOL members visiting the site at Charity for the construction of the solar farm

Preparations for the solar farm in Onderneeming are also progressing smoothly, with land clearing set to commence soon due to the area’s easy accessibility.

The project, funded through the REDD+ Investment Fund managed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), involves a partnership between GUYSOL and SUMEC.

The  US $38 million contract that was signed last month will facilitate the construction of solar farms in Regions Two, Five, and Six, generating a total of 18 megawatts of solar power.

In Region Two alone, eight megawatts will be distributed, with Charity and Onderneeming contributing three and five megawatts, respectively. An additional 10 megawatts will be allocated to villages in Regions Five and Six, including Trafalgar, Prospect, and Hampshire.

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